African Union Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development’s

    About AU SAFGRAD

    The African Union Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development’s (AU-SAFGRAD’s) goal is to contribute to sustainable food security of smallholder agricultural producers and others chain actors in the semi-arid zone (SAZs) of Africa by helping build their resilience to crises and shocks. The SAZs of Africa occupy a large area that spans from Senegal in West Africa through Tunisia in North Africa, Djibouti in East Africa to South Africa. These zones are among the most challenging areas of the world and will become even more so as a result of climate change. The SAZs of Africa are also vulnerable to conflicts arising partly from natural resource use com petitions and other socio-political causes.

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    News & Opportunities

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    About SAFGRAD

    “To lead, coordinate and facilitate the formulation of appropriate policies and programs that would build resilience of rural livelihoods in semi-arid Africa through strengthening of institutional capacities aimed at advancing agricultural research, technology transfer and adoption; enhancement of value chains; management of natural resources; and mitigation and adaptation to climate change and combating desertification as well as other related areas”
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    Key Resources

    Ressource type
    • Publications

    AU SAFGRAD Strategic and Operational Plan (SOP), 2014-2017

    The strategic plan (2014-2017) for African Union’s Semi- Arid Food Grain Research and Development office (African Union-SAFGRAD).

    The plan describes how it will add value to strengthen the institutional capacities that would build the resilience of rural livelihoods in Semi -Arid Zone of Africa by leading, coordinating and facilitating the formulation of appropriate policies and programmes.


    Mango biocontrol project – final report

    Mango biocontrol project – final report


    Opportunities and Challenges of Sorghum Value Chain Developement in the Sahelo-Saharan Zone of Africa: A Cross-Country Analysis

    Sorghum Study


    Strengthening the role of science and technology in combating desertification in Africa

    Desertification has played a significant role in human history, contributing to the collapse of several large empires, as well as causing displacement and relocation of local populations. It is also the cause of most conflicts arising from natural resources use with attendant loss of lives and properties and large scale emigration.