September 17, 2024 • The 10th Special session of AMCEN and Africa Preparatory meeting for UNCCD COP16. Abidjan, Ivory coast, 29 Aug. to 6 Sep. 2024
August 16, 2024 • Training of Young Professionals on the “Use of Efficient Small Irrigation Systems for Climate Adaptation in Africa”. 04 – 13 August, 2024, Cairo, Egypt
August 1, 2024 • Visit of H.E. Mme Selma Mansouri the Ambassador of Algeria to Birkina fao to AU-SAFGRAD
July 29, 2024 • The Coordinator of AU-SAFGRAD with the Diplomatic Corps in Burkina Faso met with the Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations and the Chair of SDGs groups.
Program 7.3. Facilitating farmers’ organizations, livestock associations and forest-based organizations to use information and knowledge on CSA best practices to promote sustainable crop, livestock and forestry production to help build their resilience.
Program 7.2. Supporting knowledge management, including the documentation (by national and regional research organizations and advisory service institutions) of CSA best-practice experiences and lessons that help build resilience and facilitate their widespread dissemination and scaling-up across the semi-arid zones of Africa.
Program 7.1. Increase the number of staff of AU-SAFGRAD who will, in collaboration with partners and stakeholders, develop and manage projects that effectively address the broad areas of resilience building in SAZ.
Program 6.3. Strengthen research- and training-related capacity for Land Degradation at the Conference of Parties (CoP) of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
Program 6.2. Mainstream land degradation, desertification, climate change and risk management approaches into NAIPs and RAIPs
Program 5.3. Enhance the capacity of African young researchers/relevant stakeholders on the challenges of land degradation, desertification, and climate change adaptation.
Program 5.2. Strengthen collaboration and partnership between the NARS and the CGIAR Organization and other research institutions in order to facilitate implementation of resilience-building activities
Program 5.1. Support commodity-based ‘Innovation Platforms’ to incorporate issues of resilience building, including mainstreaming of CSA.
Program 3.3. Support NSAs to promote the use of the AU Land Policy and Pastoral Policy Frameworks in the development of NAIPs and RAIPs.