Program 4.2. Strengthening the capacity of commodity value chain actors

Strategic Objective 1 (Outcome 1): To strengthen the policy and institutional environment for enhanced resilience of rural livelihoods in semi-arid zones of Africa
Output 4: Development of agricultural commodity value chains to enhance resilience of livelihoods and production systems promoted.

Program content

  • Organizing national and regional training workshops to strengthen the innovation and learning capacity of value-chain actors, service providers and relevant stakeholders. This will include facilitating the production of training materials for specific commodity value-chains, including commercially viable non-wood forest products. These are expected to develop the skills of value chain actors to analyze challenges and opportunities along specific commodity value chain nodes.
  • liaising with education and research institutions to organize training and coaching workshops and seminars to improve the skills of value-chain actors and service providers (producers, market agents, agro-processors, transport agents, financial institutions) involved in the value-chains of major commodities (including those considered as ‘orphan crops’) produced in semi-arid zones.
  • Identifying relevant technologies and innovations that enhance the performance of specific commodity value-chains and bringing them to the attention of value chain actors and service providers.