Strategic Objective 2 (Outcome 2): To strengthen research-related capacity for agricultural productivity and climate change adaptation for enhanced resilience of rural livelihoods in Semi-Arid Zones of Africa
Output 6: Operationalization of a platform of climate change and desertification and strengthening implementation of the UNCCD process in Africa facilitated.
Program content
- Facilitating continental, training, planning and preparatory workshops on the UNCCD and UNFCCC negotiation process where pertinent representatives to the themes of climate change and desertification from African countries would participate;
- Mobilizing and enhancing the capacity of Governments and regional organization’s to contribute to coherent policies and Programs for developing green economies; and
- Developing communication tools to raise awareness on the impacts of climate change and the need for a green economy.
- Enhance the scientific skills of Member States to develop position papers on resilience-building in preparation for CoP and other UNCCD and UNFCCC meetings;
- Facilitate continental/regional meetings where climate change experts of AU Member States will discuss a number of issues of mutual interest.