TPN6 Program

The Thematic Program Network for the Promotion of Sustainable Agricultural Farming Systems to Combat Desertification in Africa (TPN6)

TPN6 2011 meeting

The Thematic Program Network for the Promotion of Sustainable Agricultural Farming Systems to Combat Desertification in Africa (TPN6) was launched in 2004 within the framework of the African Regional Action Program of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). AU/SAFGRAD has been designated as the institutional focal point for coordinating TPN6 activities.

The global objective is to enhance efficiency of national, sub-regional and regional sustainable land management programs and agricultural farming systems through facilitation of knowledge sharing and utilization for scaling up/out of successful experiences. Specifically, the project seeks: 1) to create a platform that enhances partnership and synergy among activities, 2) to facilitate dissemination of innovative sustainable farming systems and 3) to facilitate mutual learning and harmonization of efforts among network participants.

Improving Rural Livelihoods in Semi-Arid Areas of Africa

TPN6 Building Resilience

In 2008, under this program the conference on the enhancement of rural livelihoods in semi-arid Africa took place in Addis Ababa The conference which was well attended by over 120 participants discussed the background document on development of rural livelihoods in semi-arid Africa: issues, challenges, and opportunities. Participants endorsed the proposal contained in the document and made recommendations for moving forward. The report of the conference has been submitted to the Conference of African Ministers `of Agriculture (CAMA) ), 26-29 October 2010 , Lilongwe, Malawi. The Excellences Ministers of Agriculture endorsed the issues identified in the background document as well as the proposals suggested for actions. The resolution was adopted and endorsed in the 2011 Assembly of AU Heads of state and Government EX.CL/Dec.600-643 (XVIII).


TPN6 Studies

AU-SAFGRAD has published many documents for the success stories, challenges of Agriculture in Semi arid zone of Africa such as the following:

  1. A Comparative study on large scale extension methods used in Ghana (2009) in English version (Download the document- Pdf format)
  2. Etude comparative des methodes de vulgarisation a grande echelle au Burkina faso(2009) in French version (Download the document- Pdf format
  3. Technologies agricoles au Burkina Faso(2010) English and French Versions
  4. WEST AFRICAN AGRICULTURE: CURRENT STATE, CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES :The Case of semi- arid zones (2011) In English and French versions

The above mentioned documents have been disseminated to all the relevant institutions all over the world in additions to the decision makers in the relevant countries.


In the last 3 years (2010, 2011 and 2012) AU-SAFGRAD organized training courses in the area of the Impact of climate change and desertification on agriculture and food security for the African young researchers. Young researchers from 24 countries have been participated in these courses(all of countries have been trained on the impact of climate change on agriculture and food security and 12 countries out of them have been trained on the impact of climate change and desertification on agriculture and food security).


In 2011 AU-SAFGRAD has prepared the manual of TPN6 which discussed during workshop participated by various organizations amongst them (ICRISAT, IFPRI, FARA UNEP, AU-IBAR, UNCCD, World Fish Programme, IITA , CORAF, CILLS, ROPPA, IWMI, IAPSC, ILRI, NEPAD, EAA, IFDC,IGAD, ADB, UEMOA..etc.).


In 2012 AU-SAFGRAD has prepared its strategic plan (2014-2018). The main strategic goals and programmes are …CLICK HERE