AU SAFGRAD participated in Nairobi (Kenya) to the 10th meeting of IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Initative ( IDDRSI ) platform steering committee (04-06/09/2019)
The Coordinator of SAFGRAD has participated in the 10th meeting of IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustqinable Initative ( IDDRSI ) platform steering committee that has been held in Nairobi in the period 4-6 September 2019.
The steering Committe was discussing many issues among which are the progress report of IGAD member states in building resilence and launching of the new phase of the IDDRSI Programing Frameworks .
AU-SAFGRAD has presented its support and achievement in IGAD region related to the above mentioned matters which include among others: Strenthenning the capacity of young researchers and Non state actors, Value chain development, African irrigation Framework ,Pastoral Code and Combating desertification.The SAFGRAD presentation has been appreciated by MS and IGAD Secretariat. They have requested AU SAFGRAD to move forward to facilitate MS in buliding resilience.
Group picture at the opening