AU-SAFGRAD has organized a workshop entitled “Enhancing Resilience of Pastoral communities through Data collection mechanism and Monitoring & Evaluation system”. From November 26-28, 2024 in Abuja, Nigeria.
The workshop was designed to serve as a platform for knowledge sharing and success stories related to data collection, management and thereby contributing to Policy formulation and strengthening the collaborative engagement amongst pastoral and farmers organizations.
More specifically, the workshop aimed to strengthen the capacities of pastoral/farmers organisations for pastoral data collection and analysis and information management to facilitate evidence-based policy decision-making.
The workshop was attended by wide range of stakeholders including pastoralists from regional pastoral associations, farmer’s organisations, experts representing Regional Economic Communities (COMESA, ECCAS, EAC, and IGAD/ICPALD), African Union DARBE, International Developmental Partners (IRD), and regional institutions (CILSS) who have been supporting pastoral sector in Africa.