Africa Union Semi-Arid Food Grains Research and Development (AU-SAFGRAD) in collaboration with Arab League’ Fund for Technical Assistance to African Countries (AFTAAC) and the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation of the Arab republic of Egypt organized a 10-day fully residential, and intensive, training for young and early career Agricultural Water Management professionals nominated from 13 Africa Union’ Member States. The beneficiaries were from Cameroun, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Tunisia, Uganda and Zimbabwe.
The theme for the training was “Use of efficient small irrigation systems for Climate Change adaptation in Africa”. The beneficiaries were selected based on their involvement in irrigation agriculture planning and implementation in their countries. A total of 15 trainees from 13 countries participated in the training. The training was held at the Regional Training Center for Water Resources and Irrigation (RTCWRI), 6th of October City, Cairo, Egypt from 4th to 13th August 2024. The course module was designed to support knowledge delivery in a participatory approach involving both seminar presentation and field visits. The 10-day training covered topics in irrigation projects design, operations and maintenance (O&M), use of decision support systems in irrigation scheduling, Irrigation and climate change adaptation, Irrigation policy and need for programmatic approach, water and land laws and rights, managing water quality, use of unconventional water in irrigation and facilitating development of Water Users Association and transfer of management. The training also, included knowledge sharing by subject matter experts, group work, participatory games and tools, and field visits to model farms in different locations.
The closing ceremony was attended by the Minister of Water resources and Irrigation of Egypt (represented by the President of the training Center, Prof Salwa Abou Elella), the Ambassador of the League of Arab states and Secretary General Arab fund for technical assistance to African countries (Amb Mohand Salah Ladjouzi), African Union permanent Delegation to the league of Arab States (Mr Nadir Fath Elalim), Coordinator AU-SAFGRAD (Dr Ahmed Elmekass), 12 AU Member States Ambassadors and their representatives based in Cairo. During the closing ceremony, certificates were presented to the 15 trainees.

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