AU SAFGRAD, in close collaboration with the department Peace and Security and the Governmment of Burkina Faso, has faciltated the Fith Meeting of the Heads of intelligence and Security Services of the Countries of the Sahelo-Saharan Region. This important two-day meeting took place in Ouagadougou on May 19th and 20th , 2014.
Participants to the Meeting with notably In the center in the foreground: Commissioner for Peace and Security Ambassador Smail Chergui (with sky blue suit), Burkina Faso Minister for Territorial Administration and Security, Dr. Jerôme BOUGOUMA, Head of MISAHEL, HEM Pierre BUYOYA and General Gilbert DIENDIERE from Burkina Faso. In the bottom right-hand corner: AU SAFGRAD Coordinator, DR. Ahmed ELMEKASS.
For more details, See Press Releases: Opening of the Fifth Meeting of the Heads of Intelligence and Security Services of the Countries of the Sahelo-Saharan Region