Policy Dialogue On: Strengthening the role of communication and media in adaptation and mitigation to climate change and combating desertification. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
The climate action and life on land were indicated in the 13 and 15 goals in the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. The Excellences Heads of states and Government of the African Union renewed their commitment to enhance the implementation of the UNCCD in Africa in order to address land degradation, desertification, biodiversity loss and effects of drought, and to promote sustainable development on the Continent. Furthermore, to implement the Agenda 2063 of the African Union, the Modern Agriculture for increased productivity and production; environmentally sustainable and climate resilient economies and communities are considered as important targets.
In this context, communication and the media have an important role to play in the areas of adaptation and mitigation to climate change and combating desertification. Indeed, the media has a significant role in making awareness to both policy makers and local communities with relevant information to better address the challenges of climate change and to fight against desertification.
In view of the above mentioned, AU-SAFGRAD is organizing a policy dialogue on “Strengthening the role of communication and media in adaptation and mitigation to climate change and combating desertification“ in the period of 5-6 April 2018, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
The overall objective of the Dialogue is to strengthen the role of communication and media in adaptation and mitigation to climate change and combating desertification.
The specific objectives of the dialogue are:
a- Sharing information, lesson learned and best practices in the role of communication and media at national and regional levels in adaptation and mitigation to climate change and combating desertification
b- Discuss the main challenges and opportunities facing establishment an effective and efficient communication system and the innovative solutions.
c-Identify the main stakeholders and development partners
D-Propose key recommendations to strengthen the role of communication and media in adaptation and mitigation to climate change and combating desertification.
The expected results of the dialogue are as follows:
A-Better understanding on the different efforts and success stories at national and regional levels
B-The main challenges, opportunities, stakeholders and development partners are identified
C- Key recommendations proposed for moving forward.
About 20 participants representing Member States, Regional and international institutions will be attending the workshop.