Validation Workshop of COMESA, EAC & IGAD’s Regional Irrigation Development Strategy (RIDS). 04-06 September 2023, Nairobi

AU-SAFGRAD in collaboration with FAO-RAF organized a 3-day validation workshop in Nairobi, Kenya from 4 – 6 September, 2023. The workshop gathered Directors of Irrigation and agricultural planning officers from 23 Member/Partners’ States of COMESA, EAC and IGAD. The workshop was organized to provide opportunity to MS experts and Delegates to review, discuss and provide inputs to the draft COMESA, EAC and IGAD’s Reginal Irrigation Development Strategy (RIDS).

The RIDS is part of African Union and the United Nations’ Food and Agricultural Organization support to RECS to boost agricultural productivity through use of Agwater management solutions. The validation identified corrections needed to ensure that the draft RIDS meets the quality expected of a regional strategy and that it takes into consideration the regional peculiarities and specificities in framing Agricultural water management in the regions. The Workshop was organized to align the regional strategies to the AU’ Framework for Irrigation development and agricultural water management (IDAWM) practices.